23 Nisan National Sovereignty and Children’s Day

Art and Essay Competition

  • The Theme : “You are the future! What kind of world do you want to live in?”

  • Participation : Paintings and essays must be sent to yarisma@tulipinstitute.org

  • Application Deadline: April 10, 2022

  • Only students between the ages of 7 and 12 who take Turkish lessons within the Tulip Institute can participate in the competition.

Purpose of the Competition

It is aimed to improve the creative thinking and Turkish expression skills of students of Turkish origin studying in the Netherlands, increase their interest in literature and painting, and create an opportunity for them to express their dreams and thoughts through one of the art forms of their preference.

In addition, it is aimed to increase student’s awareness of their mother tongue and positively affect their perspectives on Turkish by encouraging them to produce intellectual outputs.

Competition Rules

The competition’s theme is determined as “You are the future! What kind of world would you like to live in?”. We aim for our students to express their feelings and thoughts about what kind of life they imagine in the future through their compositions and paintings.

Each child can participate in the competition in only one category.

Participation in the competition is voluntary and free of charge.


Essays can be written on the computer or in handwriting, depending on the participant’s preference. Essays, written on the computer, should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, a minimum of 1 page, and a maximum of 2 pages.

Essays, written in handwriting, should be written on A4 paper with a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 3 pages, provided that only one side of the paper is used.


Competitors are free to determine details such as the size of the drawing paper, its texture, or the type of paint they will use.

There should not be another addition in the form of a painting taken from somewhere and attached to it.

Additional rules

Essays and paintings should be sent via e-mail. Additional details such as the name and surname of the competitor, age, the institution where he took Turkish lessons, and the teacher’s name should be included in the e-mail. E-mails without the abovementioned information will not be considered.

All kinds of publication rights of the essays and paintings submitted to the competition are transferred to Tulip Institute and Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities free of charge. No royalty fee can be claimed in the case of publication. By participating in the competition, these conditions will be deemed accepted.

All works submitted to the competition must be original. The work that is found to be not original will be reported to the candidate by following the evaluation of the jury and, therefore, will not be considered.

The competition jury consists of experts in Turkish Literature and Pedagogical Sciences. Each application will be evaluated by taking into account the age and proficiency level of the participant.

As a result of the jury evaluation, awards will be given to 3 contestants ranked separately in each category. In addition, all students participating in the competition will be given a certificate of participation.

The works that won awards at the end of the competition can be shared on the social media accounts of Tulip Institute and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities and can be used in any printed booklet to be prepared by both institutions.

The deadline for submission is April 17, 2022. Winners will be announced via Tulip Institute social media accounts on April 23, 2022.


  • First Prize: A gift card worth 150 euros
  • Second Prize: A gift card worth 75 euros
  • Third Prize: A gift  card worth 30 euros
  • A Certificate of Participation will be given to all participants regardless of their ranking.

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